ECMO Care Does Not Stop at Decannulation! A Nurse Driven Protocolized Approach to Post ECMO Decannulation Wound Care

Poster Category: 
Quality Improvement
Audrey Basic
UCSF Health

Audrey Basic obtained her Masters of Science in Nursing from the University of Arizona in 2015. She has worked in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at UCSF (University of California San Francisco) for six years and has been focusing on hospital acquired pressure ulcer prevention in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit for approximately four years. In that time has been appreciated in making significant reductions of pressure injuries on the unit. She obtained her Clinical Nurse III for her work in establishing weekly pressure injury prevention rounds on the Cardiac Intensive Care unit. She has a passion for quality improvement and enjoys collaborating with many disciplines to achieve a higher standard at UCSF . Audrey is the head of the unit based Quality and Safety Council where she has been appreciated for her clinical expertise and leadership capabilities. When not focusing on quality improvement projects, Audrey enjoys spending time with her dog Rufus, who would like her to spend less time on projects and more time throwing his ball.