Precepting with PRIDE

Precepting with PRIDE

 Foundations for UCSF Nurses

Application is closed. 




March - June 2025

All programming sessions will take place at the Innovation Center at 2001 The Embarcadero.

Session 1: March 19, 2025 | 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Session 2: March 26, 2025 | 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Support Session 1 (Zoom): May 2025 | Date & Time TBD

Support Session 2 (Zoom): June 2025 | Date & Time TBD

Program Goal

The goal of the Nurse Preceptor Program is to educate and professionally develop nurses interested in precepting new nurses and newly hired staff. This program will provide a standardized approach with a focus on fostering leadership and communication skills.


Current evidence suggests there is a correlation between a nurse’s orientation experience, their relationship with their preceptor, and nurse retention. Further, environments where precepted experiences are provided facilitate skill acquisition (Edwards et al, 2011). Precepting at UCSF is often a volunteer role with limited training provided and no current educational or experiential pathway required before acting in the role. The previously available coursework included many key concepts but did not provide for several identified foundational aspects of the role. Programming did not incorporate an ongoing support model or consistent mentorship of preceptors, especially those new to the role.



Area of Responsibility

Nurse Professional Development Council

Overall program oversight

Michael Francis, Nursing Porfessional Development Director, Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation

Lead program sponsor

Lindsay Bolt, Nursing Professional Development Specialist, Adults, Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation Curriculum development, 2020-2022

Dawn Bradley, Nursing Professional Development Specialist - Pediatrics, Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation

Curriculum development and Program Facilitator

Anthony Scott, Nursing Professional Development Specialist, Procedural Areas, Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation Program Facilitator
UCSF Experienced Preceptors, Unit Leadership, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Nursing Professional Development Practitioners Program mentors and faculty
Preceptors Program attendees

Program Scope

This opportunity will be available to all division/ department level Clinical Nurse II/III/IV within UCSF Health who have identified precepting as a professional development goal, applied to the program, and have been accepted.


• Preceptor: An experienced nurse who has achieved competency in their practice area while facilitating a clinical learning environment for new graduate nurses or newly hired nurses, ultimately resulting in quality patient care. Preceptors are excellent communicators and role models, assisting the new nurses in skill acquisition and critical thinking in a clinical environment.

• New Graduate Nurse Resident: A nurse that has recently graduated from an accredited program and obtained their state of California Registered Nursing license and has had less than 6 months cumulative experience working as a registered nurse in all capacities. The Nurse Resident will participate in a 6-month program that includes precepted time on unit and several classroom sessions.

• Experienced Nurse, New Hire: This is a registered nurse who is newly hired to UCSF and is expected to work in a clinical environment where they have knowledge and experience (greater than 6 months minimum previous nursing experience) relevant to that population and acuity.

• Experienced Nurse Training Program: Currently UCSF offers training programs for internal staff nurses (Career Development Training Program) and external experienced nurses (External Experienced Training Program) seeking to expand their practice to new clinical environments. For clinicians wishing to return to direct care clinical practice, the Re-Entry Training Program is offered to those that would otherwise not be eligible to apply for positions offered to experienced nurses.

• Facilitator: In educational sessions, acts as an instructor or panelist, drawing from expertise to develop nurse preceptors. In collaboration with unit leaders, assists the preceptor and their orientee in working effectively and collaboratively during precepting experiences. The facilitator supports both parties impartially by acting as a liaison and resource.

Program Structure

• Includes two 8-hour class sessions in two consecutive weeks in-person. These sessions are led by either one of or both Facilitators of the course. Other nurse leaders are invited as indicated by the course curriculum as content experts and facilitators for learning activities.

• Following completion of the formal program, participants that are identified as preceptors for Nurse Residency training program are highly recommended to connect with Preceptor Program Facilitators or Faculty in 1-2 sessions during the training program. These sessions are open to all Preceptor Program participants, but will be focused, when possible, on the needs of the preceptors involved in the current training program.

• Each educational session will incorporate leadership concepts and provide instruction on how to assess and document orientee competence.

Session 1: The focus is on foundations of precepting and clinical leadership, communication, and skills for building a safe and effective learning environment. Foundational knowledge includes building for becoming a preceptor using reflective practice, effective qualities, skill acquisition theories, learning and teaching styles, and skills for teaching and coaching. Additionally, participants will learn communication skills through an understanding of how it can be effective, development of a feedback culture, delegation, critical thinking processes, and communication amongst the precepting team.

Session 2: The focus is on diversity, triage, and troubleshooting with a goal of integration and transition and practice. The participant will determine how DEI impacts the role of a clinical leader, discussing how bullying and incivility impact the precepting process and orientee integration, the role resiliency plays in the preceptor and orientee orientation process, and developing skills for planning around troubleshooting. Additionally, it will be important to gain comprehension of the evaluation process, enhancing critical thinking, collaborating and discussing progress with the leadership team, competency documentation, and leadership continued through mentorship. 

Preceptor Support Sessions 1 & 2: Sessions are designed to support the preceptors with what is going well, troubleshooting, challenges, and concerns, as well as any follow up questions around competency documentation. It is highly recommended that the participant attends at least 1 of the 2 sessions in late April and May.

Program Practice Areas

The framework of the practice areas were identifed using the guidelines of the American Nurse Association (ANA) stating that development of competency is situational, dynamic, and is both an outcome and an ongoing process (Byrne & Waters, 2008).

Proposed Program Timeline

• Updated website available to interested participants, December 16, 2024.

  • Applications available to potential participants December 16, 2024. Demographic data collected.

• Applications close for review and participant consideration January 9, 2025.

• Participant notification no later than January 17, 2025.

• Session 1 begins March 19, 2025. In person, 8hrs at the Innovation Center. Pre-program data collected.

• Session 2 occurs March 26, 2025. In person, 8hrs at the Innovation Center.

• Additional Preceptor meetings (2) are proposed during the New Nurse Residency Training Program to support the process (May - June 2025).

• Post-data to be collected at 3mo, 6mo, and 1yr.




Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection will be completed using a preceptor experience survey developed at UCSF by the Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation. The survey consists of 20 questions scored using a 5-point Likert scale plus demographic data and area of practice questions, totaling 33 questions. The overarching themes are preparedness, managing conflict and communication, leadership and autonomy, self-motivation, practice environment support, teamwork, confidence in practice, cultural sensitivity, and interpersonal relationships.

The survey will be administered on the following schedule:

  • Prior to day one: Pre-program data collection
  • End of Preceptor Programming: Post-program data collection, 3mo
  • End of New Nurse Residency Training Program: Mature data collection, 6mo
  • 6 Months post New Nurse Residency Training Program, 1yr

Proposed Expected Outcomes

  • Engaged, competent, and confident preceptors who feel prepared for the role.
  • Retention of new graduate nurses and newly hired nurses attributed to positive integration into area of practice.
  • Professional development knowledge and skills in leadership and communication practices.
  • Standardization of preceptor processes across the organization.
  • Collaborative and supportive relationships between preceptors and unit leadership.


  1. Barba M, Valdez-Delgado K, VanFosson CA, et al. An Evidence-Based Approach to Precepting New Nurses. Am J Nurs. 2019;119(3):62-67. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000554036.68497.61
  2. Bengtsson M, Carlson E. Knowledge and skills needed to improve as preceptor: development of a continuous professional development course - a qualitative study part I. BMC Nurs. 2015;14:51. Published 2015 Oct 16. doi:10.1186/s12912-015-0103-9
  3. Byrne, M., & Waters, L. (2008). The CCI Continued Competence Leadership Forum: From Pieces to Policy. Chicago: CCI Think Tank. Retrieved from Competency and Credentialing Institute (CCI). CCI Think Tank.
  4. Edwards, D., Hawker, C., Carrier, J. & Rees, C. The effectiveness of strategies and interventions that aim to assist the transition from student to newly qualified nurse. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews. 2011; 9(53): 2215-2323.
  5. Quek G.J.H., Shorey S. Perceptions, Experiences, and Needs of Nursing Preceptors and Their Preceptees on Preceptorship: An Integrative Review. J Prof Nurs. 2018; 34(5):417-428. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.05.003
  6. Ulrich, B.T. Mastering Precepting: Core precepting concepts. Reflections on nursing leadership website. June, 25 2019 Accessed: July 1, 2020