Paradigm of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a lifelong problem-solving approach to assess current healthcare practices that answers the question, "What is best for our patients?" The answer is discovered and supported through a systematic search for and critical appraisal of the most relevant and best research to answer a clinical question, in addition to incorporating one’s own clinical expertise (including the use of internal evidence) and patient/family values and preferences. This is a dynamic process with the goal of improving clinical practice and patient outcomes (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023).

Seven Steps of the Evidence-Based Practice Process

1.    Promote a spirit of inquiry
2.    Explore the problem and develop a PICOT
3.    Search for best evidence
4.    Critically appraise evidence
5.    Integrate evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences
6.    Evaluate the outcomes of practice change
7.    Develop sustainability plan and disseminate outcomes

The Leadership Institute offers a variety of pathways for EBP training and implementation science experiences. The aims of the educational offerings are to prepare clinicians to understand and apply the steps of the EBP process.

EBP Pathways

E-Learning Series

The e-learning module series provides multi-disciplinary direct care providers with a basic introduction to understanding and improving their EBP knowledge. The online module experience is self-paced and can be a great way to get a start on EBP fundamentals or reinforce knowledge that you want to review. This includes 10 hours of content divided into seven modules that provide an overview of the EBP process, in addition to describing the need for evidence in health care and how EBP can improve quality outcomes and advance clinical practice. Each module is accompanied by an EBP Playbook, which stimulates critical thinking in applying the EBP concepts. 

7 module series:

  • Introduction to EBP & Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry
  • Exploring the Problem & Developing a PICOT
  • Searching for the Evidence
  • Critical Appraisal of Evidence
  • Integrating the Evidence and Implementation Science
  • Evaluating the Outcomes
  • Dissemination

Upon completion of the modules, 10 continuing education contact hours are awarded.

  • Cost: $159.00
  • For a group discount, please contact [email protected]
  • If you are a UCSF employee, search for “Evidence-Based Practice E-Learning Series” in Nursing Connect to find and launch this curriculum.
  • If you are an external user, please create a Nursing Connect account at: Once you have created your account, search for “Evidence-Based Practice E-Learning Series” in Nursing Connect to find and launch this curriculum.
  • Please contact [email protected] for any questions regarding registration.

Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice Workshop

This 3-day workshop engages participants in an innovate educational experience focused on facilitating an evidence-based approach to searching for and critically appraising a body of evidence. The Foundations of EBP Workshop includes minimal pre-work and offers mentored practice sessions with EBP experts. Following completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how EBP plays an integral role in hospitals and health care systems.
  • Examine the differences between EBP, Quality Improvement  (QI), EBQI, and Research.
  • Identify the seven steps of the EBP process.
  • Apply the elements of a PICO(T) question as a tool to search for a body of evidence to answer a clinical question.
  • Develop basic search strategies to conduct a systemic search.
  • Distinguish between sources of evidence and how to utilize bibliographic databases.
  • Differentiate the process for critically appraising a body of evidence.
  • Construct evidence-based recommendations through the use of evaluation and synthesis tables.

Workshop Structure

  • Day 1: Focuses on EBP steps 0-2 including cultivating a culture of inquiry, identifying the problem, and searching the literature.
  • Day 2: Focuses on EBP step 3, part 1 by guiding participants through critical appraisal of the evidence, including distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative research designs and its correlating levels of evidence.
  • Day 3: Focuses on EBP step 3, part 2 by evaluating the three criteria for assessing the quality of evidence: validity, reliability, and applicability, in addition to the use of evaluation and synthesis tables. 

Upon completion, participants will be eligible for up to 16.75 contact hours - provider approved by the California Board of Registred Nursing, Provider Number 12980.

Micro-Learning Sessions

These micro-learning sessions introduce the steps involved in incorporating EBP into clinical practice. This learning experience option is great for those who need a refresher or just want to concentrate on honing specific EBP skills with an experienced EBP mentor.  Upon completion, 3 contact hours of continuing education are awarded to participants depending on the specific session.

Session topics:

  • Session 1: Exploring the Problem and Developing a PICOT
  • Session 2: Searching for the Evidence
  • Session 3: Critically Appraising the Evidence, Part 1
  • Session 4: Critically Appraising the Evidence, Part 2
  • Session 5: Integrating the Evidence/Evaluating Outcomes
  • Session 6: Disseminating Results/Sustainability Strategies

EBP Mentor Training Program

This 2.5 day workshop series provides comprehensive training to prepare health care professionals to be trained EBP mentors who can support and guide practice changes at the microsystem level and serve to be an invaluable asset to sustain evidence-based practice in health care organizations. Participants will have an opportunity to develop additional advanced EBP knowledge, skills, and abilities. Additionally, topics such as organizational change, change behavior, barriers to EBP, and the use of theoretical frameworks will be addressed to build the arsenal of mentoring skills. 

EBP Immersive Experience

The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Immersive Experience is a hybrid training experience that includes a three-day in-person immersion, three virtual workshops, and three small group coaching sessions, which allow participants to take a deep dive into evidence-based practice. Participants are led through graduate-level didactic workshops, which include opportunities to practice their EBP knowledge, skills, and abilities. This immersive experience empowers health professionals to improve patient care and clinical outcomes and provides proven approaches to implementing evidence into practice. Participants will gain access to EBP tools to support critical appraisal of evidence, implementation and sustainment strategies, and support from EBP experts who serve as mentors.

Participants are mentored through the preparation and delivery of an EBP project proposal that is further developed and implemented at their healthcare institution. The program engages participants in an innovative educational experience focused on facilitating an evidence-based approach to implementing a formal practice change on their unit, in addition to assessing the outcomes and impact of interventions in clinical settings. This immersive experience will leverage concepts of evidence synthesis, implementation science, and evaluation of change. Access to the UCSF Health and campus library resources are included during the journey.

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in this program.

Evidence-Based Practice Academy

This 8-month, hybrid training experience includes a total of six in-person training workshops and integrates virtual EBP mentoring sessions, which allow participants to take a deep dive into evidence-based practice through implementation of a practice change. Frontline care providers and clinical leaders interested in preparing and implementing an EBP initiative at their health care organization with additional EBP mentoring are ideal participants for this program.

The EBP Academy empowers health professionals to improve patient care and clinical outcomes and provides proven EBP approaches. Participants are mentored through the preparation and delivery of an EBP project proposal that is further developed and implemented at their respective organization. This program engages in an innovative educational experience focused on facilitating an evidence-based approach to implementing a formal practice change in their unit, in addition to assessing the outcomes and impact of interventions in clinical settings. This professional development experience will leverage concepts of evidence synthesis, implementation science strategies, and evaluation of change.

This program will take participants through the entire EBP process, including project implementation. Participants must have a topic that has been approved by their organization’s leadership and a mentor from their organization to help them navigate implementing their project.

EBP Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program will assist participants in understanding how evidence-based practice can help to positively impact health system priorities, in addition to mastering graduate-level EBP knowledge, skills, and abilities. The series of workshops and coaching sessions that comprise the fellowship program are intended to guide competitively selected clinicians to develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate a formal practice change in their microsystem.  The main goals of the fellowship program are to advance clinical practice and improve patient and family care that advance organizational priorities. The program objectives for the fellowship program include:

  1. Compare and contrast research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.
  2. Identify practice questions that are amendable to the process of evidence-based practice and aligned with organizational strategic priorities.
  3. Apply an evidence-based practice model through the development of a practice change.
  4. Demonstrate skills needed to develop and implement an evidence-based practice change:
  • Develop a searchable, clinical question
  • Complete a comprehensive and systematic literature search
  • Critically appraise and synthesize a body of evidence
  • Assimilate scientific and clinical knowledge to arrive at practice recommendations that are evidence-based.
  • Document the level of evidence for each practice recommendation.
  1. Develop an implementation plan to effect change in practice.
  2. Identify and use implementation science strategies for effecting behavior change among nurses and interprofessional team members.
  3. Evaluate outcomes from the change in practice.
  4. Collect and analyze data through the use of descriptive and/or inferential statistics or qualitative means.
  5. Formulate a formal sustainability plan for the practice change.
  6. Disseminate the EBP initiative to internal department and/or hospital committees and councils.
  7. Identify and execute an external dissemination plan to share the EBP initiative results at a professional conference or publication.

During the 10-month fellowship program, participants will utilize an EBP model to guide them through the 7 steps of the EBP process. To best support the fellows during the program, a primary EBP mentor will be assigned to work individually with each fellow, in addition to monthly team coaching sessions with a subject matter expert coach and operational sponsor from the organization the participant currently is employed at. The monthly workshops will align with the implementation process timeline and feature didactic teachings, opportunities for application and experiential learning exercises.  EBP Fellows will be expected to disseminate their work through both internal and external efforts. For more information, click the UCSF EBP fellowship page here to learn more about the ucsf ebp fellowship

Additional Information

EBP Fellowship Program Eligibility Criteria
•    Minimum of 2 years of clinical experience
•    At least 1-year full-time employment as a clinician
•    Currently employed in a full-time career position (≥ 70% or .7 FTE) as a clinician at your organization. You must remain in this position/role for the duration of the fellowship program.
•    Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint
•    Interest in an identified health system priority 
•    Identified by your Supervisor/Unit Director as a team player with strong written and verbal communication, interpersonal skills, and an employee who meets or exceeds expectations on their performance evaluation